Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Martin Luther King Parody By Yours Truly "))

“I Have a Dream . . . The Voice for Teens”
            I speak the truth to you, my fellow teens, that though we get migraines and a ‘suffer in silence’ type of feeling when our parents are in that nagging mood, I stay driven to have this dream. This is a dream that every teen thinks of but never speaks of aloud unless pushed to their limit.
            I have a dream that one day on the planet of rebellion, the mothers won’t try to fight the stage we go through and that fathers won’t raise their voices to get their point across. If we want our space, they must find it within them to understand and let us stay on our peaceful, soothing, stress-free, galaxy we resorted to. If we close the door, obviously it was closed loudly for a reason. If we locked that door, parents, it doesn’t justify your actions when you knock on it repeatedly; trying to talk over our music we turned up to drown you out with.
            I have a dream that my experienced parents would dig deep to find and remember what they were like when they were teens. That for once, they will BOTH be the cool parents.
            I have a dream- I need space and understanding- today and on forth.
            I have a dream that one day, my parents won’t come to me fuming, wary faced and foaming at the tight, confined corners of their mouths, ranting about the house not being clean. If they just looked at it from the point of view I do, the house would look clean and organized enough to pass for a Better Homes and Garden magazine feature. Mopped kitchen floors to a Mr. Clean shine, the bathroom Pine Sol-ed up, the living room, family night ready and each room, ‘Cribs’ television ready. If they could look past the dirty clothes pile up to the ceiling and a few keep-sake junk stuffed under the bed. I rebuke the many candy wrappers and a few dozen dirty dishes arranged in a well-organized hide and seek form from showing themselves.
            I have a dream that on those great Friday mornings where I’m floating on spaceship Serta where I want to get all the sweet sleep I can before school starts that I will not be woken up to get trash ready because I refused to do it the previous night. If I cover my face to shield myself from being yanked, pulled, jerked or all of the above at the same time, that they will spare me this one morning instead and do it themselves.
            I have a dream today and on forth
I have a dream that when I want something, money shall not be an issue. If I want that pair of shoe I will get it. If I want to go out and funds are low, you will not throw in my face the many stacked bills and the fact that I have a job. Had I known I’d need the money in my near future, I wouldn’t have spent it so carelessly. The saying about money growing on trees would no longer be a sarcastic, rhetorical question. By the grace of God, money WILL grow on trees!
These many subjects are what I dream. With this rooted hope will make way if there is a will. With this dream, a prayer isn’t far behind. I will vanish the words no, curfew, low funds, baby sit, stop and many others I don’t wish to elaborate on. With this dream, I hope that communication won’t be as big a factor as understanding, curfews and other privileges will and can be negotiable, and we’re granted the freedom we humbly and sweetly ask for.
This will be a fine day. The day we come together to take pictures, eat, dance, bond as one. The song ‘We Are Family’ will be sung from each of our vocal cords to fill the house with warmness, comfort, love and affection.
If our warm home is one that is also down for equality and individuality, it will be looked upon as a great and fortunate American home.
Let “teen-dom” ring!
Let “teen-dom” ring from the overstuffed closet within the confinement of every teen’s bedroom. Let “teen-dom” ring from within the organized unorganized death trap we call our closets. Let “teen-dom” ring from the many “warning” faces given from upset parents. Let “teen-dom” ring from our lint filled pockets and dead flies that whizzed out of our wallets. Let “teen-dom” ring from every bad grade we got and never got a real chance to prove that it was the teacher’s and not our fault. Let “teen-dom” ring for every time we would get scolded for replying or merely speaking our minds only to have our comment called ‘back talking!’
More so, let “teen-dom” flow thorough not just mine but EVERY teen filled household.
When we let “teen-dom” prevail, when It’s allowed to ring from every ear bleeding, loud,  music playlist, every clothes scattered bedroom carpet, every tooth pasted covered bathroom sink, and every unwashed, heaping load of clothes we will get a satisfaction unimaginable. That will be the day the world would change for the better. We have a say, a mind of our own and most importantly, we have a voice. Teens shall overcome the many obstacles we must face whether by choice or not.
We shall overcome.
Teens at last! Teens at last! Thank God Almighty; we are recognized teens at last!


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