Sunday, March 29, 2015

Love What You Do!

By: Georgia Trevor

     From as long as you can remember, you’ve been told that if you nurture your talents, you’ll never work a day in your life because you’d be in the field of what you love doing. How many people have you gotten a chance to run into that’s actually living that tale? I happen to have gotten very lucky and caught up with the Missouri Mavericks hockey team’s, Public Relations & Communications Manager, Madeleine Stroth and got a little taste of what pursuing your dreams can do for you.

         If you don’t know, the Missouri Mavericks The Missouri Mavericks will be competing in their 6th season in the Central Hockey League with their 2014-15 campaign. The Mavs have made the playoffs in each of their first five seasons, including winning the 2014 Bud Poile Governor’s Cup, capping off a season of franchise record regular-season wins (44).

        “Creativity is an essential part of my job with the Missouri Mavericks.  Outside of developing eye-catching graphics for and our social media platforms (Facebook/Twitter), it is extremely vital that I work with my team to continuously seek new ways of engaging our target audience. A big focus for me as the Public Relations & Communications Manager for the Mavericks is policing our brand and tailoring our brand message to different audiences.  Creativity is key when structuring numerous campaigns throughout the season to keep things fresh with consideration to both content and platform.”

           Being in media is no easy task. You have GOT to keep up with the trends and be open to change or get left behind!

           “In an industry that is constantly introducing new ways to interact with and reach fans, staying current in trends and creatively implementing new tools into your campaigns is vital.  (i.e. using SnapChat to give fans an insider perspective or live-streaming an interview using Google Hangouts).”

 Get hip or get left! You can’t have be creative with a closed minded way of thinking. Social media is taking this generation by storm and if you want to reach your audience (us), you’ll have the best luck by grabbing our attention through an app or site!

  “I use creativity every day in my position, whether it is creating a graphic or advertisement for an upcoming event, writing a press release, or brainstorming a promotion, there is always a need for new ideas.”

 Who said your passion can’t be your job? And who said passionately working in the field you love is unheard of?  One thing I love about creativity is that you set boundaries, and then break them into your own molded artwork!

Lee Me 'Lone

By: Georgia Trevor



Keeping to yourself when around a huge crowd, listening to music when walking or locked in your room while it oozes out your speakers, your phone is glued to your hand because you actually have a cool personality if given the opportunity to showcase it… when you feel like it. You laugh at your own jokes in your head and insiders. If you can relate to any of these things, you, my friend, are a loner! Don’t be ashamed, though, because I too am a loner. NOW, be ashamed! (Lol)

In all seriousness, living the loner life can be, well, lonely. It’s also a hard comfortabilty to grow out of. So what do you do when you’re a loner but also a college student wanting to live the college experience? Let me help you out with a Survival Guide for such a contradicting situation, we’ll call it, ‘G’s Social Loner Guidelines. Yeah that sounds about right!

 Rule #1 Classmates: Best way to be social and not feel out of your comfort zone is by making friends within your classes. Odds are, you guys can work together on assignments and may even have the same major/interests.

 Rule #2 School Functions: Go to events and activities the school holds. The worst-case scenario is making a new friend with a FACULTY MEMBER!

(Don’t go out like that, bro!)

 Rule #3 Fix Yo Face: If you’re like me, you walk around with the Kanye face cause well, Yeezy taught me! Try looking approachable. No one wants to befriend the kid with the “I hate life” face.

 Rule #4 Club Life: Join a club. This one’s pretty self-explanatory. DO what you find interest in or are curious about and you’re guaranteed to make friends interested in things just like you.

 Rule #5 Simmer Dowwwn: Don’t try too hard! No one wants to be associated with the weird kid who joins in on conversation they weren’t invited in or welcomes a stranger who randomly sits with them and their group of friends at the lunch table in the cafĂ©! Find a common interest with them, push comes to shove, give a compliment and go from there. BUT DON’T BE AWKWARD. (Something a lot of loners have a problem with. No shame, no shade. I’m extremely weird/awkward.)

 I know being a loner can be awfully boring but the G’s Social Loner Guidelines guide has never steered me wrong. Sure I’m a loner, but it’s by choice. I’m able to be social when it’s convenient as well though. Hopefully you take my guide and put it into effect too. Make memories before it’s too late. Make your college experience something to boast about when you’re 80!