Tuesday, November 22, 2011

11.11.11---WAIT FOR IT……*MOUTH FART* Nothing!

All of this loud noise about 11.11.11 is too much. Why exactly do people feel the need to point out its existence except for the fact of it being rarely ironic? The same is going to happen on 12.12.12, I suppose. It’s just numbers that coincidently are identical in my opinion. But with all of this drama, it brings me to ask, “What is the importance of November 11, 2011?”
I’ve been surfing the web and looking for what people think about this awesome date and it’s ridiculous to me. People are going as far back as meanings and stories back in the day. Scientist are showing scientific proof of things that the date or number symbolized. They’re saying it’s a spiritual being type of meaning too. BLAH!
C’MON, SON! *New York accent* It’s a date. Unless something special like a birth of a child, a wedding, anniversary, start of a relationship or something along those lines occurred, this day shouldn’t be any different than 11.10.11!
I’m all for meanings, greater being, myths and all of that serious, secret meaning type of stuff but I think it’s all too much. Why can’t the numbers just be numbers? Why does everything HAVE to have a reason behind it for whatever reason?
Maybe I neglect to see others’ point of views because my stubborn butt is sure that so long as the world isn’t ending and I’m alive and kickin’, 11.11.11 can come and go on its merry little way.
So below is a video of how serious I plan to take 11.11.11 at 11:11p.m. just for emphasis on the 11’s! :) ENJOY

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