Georgia Trevor
Georgia's Galaxy
Sunday, March 29, 2015
Love What You Do!
Lee Me 'Lone
Georgia Trevor
to yourself when around a huge crowd, listening to music when walking or locked
in your room while it oozes out your speakers, your phone is glued to your hand
because you actually have a cool personality if given the opportunity to
showcase it… when you feel like it. You laugh at your own jokes in your head
and insiders. If you can relate to any of these things, you, my friend, are a
loner! Don’t be ashamed, though, because I too am a loner. NOW, be ashamed! (Lol)
all seriousness, living the loner life can be, well, lonely. It’s also a hard
comfortabilty to grow out of. So what do you do when you’re a loner but also a
college student wanting to live the college experience? Let me help you out
with a Survival Guide for such a contradicting situation, we’ll call it, ‘G’s
Social Loner Guidelines. Yeah that sounds about right!
(Don’t go out like that, bro!)
Tuesday, August 27, 2013
Shawty Shoe Game Proper: STYLE
By: Georgia Trevor
S·t·y·l·e· Noun: The
basic defining characteristics of a person, everything from talk, dress,
hairstyle, demeanor, etc. A majority of the time it is the person's appearance
in general and can be categorized. A few people have their own style which
usually makes them unique while most go with whatever is the "in"
thing at the time in all the above categories; can also be used as a compliment.
When it comes to making a great
impression with someone, your appearance is everything. For most people, it’s a
deal breaker, for sure. So picture walking in with the hottest fit, people
checking your style in approval until they look down and your show game is
DISRESPECTFUL! Do you realize the embarrassment that will be bestowed upon you
if you’re outed by a friend or worse, a stranger that your shoes threw your
whole outfit off? Let’s try avoiding that with a few style steals from a couple
Celebrity Ne-Yo has the look every
young gentleman should aim for. With his stylish fedoras to his tailored suits
and simple yet complimenting jewelry, why wouldn’t you want to dress like this
young debonair artist?

Style is everything and only rarely do you get a second chance at a first impression!
Thursday, April 18, 2013
Nothing Lasts Forever
Georgia Trevor
I know many if not everyone knows a little store
called Forever21. The Forever 21 Retail Inc. owns and operates numerous stores
in different formats. Current store operating formats are Forever 21, XXI Forever
and Heritage 1981. There are many brands that originate out of the stores such
as Forever 21+, Love 21 Contemporary and Maternity, Forever 21 Girls and 21
Men. Well as much as we all may love Forever21, I’m here to a small dent in
their good name- Forever21’s clothes don’t always last forever!
I said it!
Picture buying the bestest looking outfit with shoes
and jewelry to match. You wear it for the first time and you just KNOW you’re
rockin’ the hell out of it. Compliments are flooding in and you’re taking
pictures that everyone’s liking and asking where’d you get it from. The day
comes to a close and it’s time to take it down. You take it off and you hear a
rip. Yeah, your awesome outfit tore by a stretch. Consider that ‘high’ being
As cute and fashionable as their clothes are, you’re
lucky if it lasts all year. Whether it’s a hole in the stockings, a tear right
in the middle of a blouse or easily-made scuffs on your shoes from Forever,
you’re bound to be hurt by their poor-quality material products.
Knowing this, I shall not be a hypocrite because my
closet is majority Forever21. When I walk into a Forever21 store, I feel like
I’m home. It’s true, I am indeed an addict and if I don’t splurge there, it
truly is NOT a good day at the mall. Knowing all of this, it doesn’t stop me
from buying to my heart’s content. Blame it on the shop-a-holic in me as of
I do recommend this store if you want to look good
and wear the fashionable stuff for the moment, but don’t expect it to last longer
than you can swipe your card, put in your pin and tell the cashier you want the
receipt in the bag!
Love Me For My Ambition!
By: Georgia Trevor
Open Minded. Silly by nature. Confident when necessary. Outside the box
thinker. That’s me.
When you think of
passion, you think of something you feel strongly, something that brings you to
life and allows you to be in your zone. Well my passion is basically to become
amongst people like Pharell, Spike Lee, Wale mixed with some Beyonce. Yeah, I
want to be well-known for my talents; for my creativity. I’m passionate about
anything I’m allowed to do dealing with creativity without limits.
When I say this, I mean
poetry, music, photography, advertising, writing, and designing. I’m an artist
with many talents and if not all, most of them I plan to go far with and make
my name in the media industry.

Then there’s my love
for poetry and writing in general. I tend to be my biggest critic so when I
write, I feel like I c an always do better. And I do. But let someone else tell
it, I’m a great writer and deep recite. Humble may be what it is but when I
write, I want others to view things from my window or walk in my kicks for a
minute. If words don’t help, that’s when photography comes in play.
ProdiG.Photography, that is. I wasn’t playin’ when I said one if not all of
these talents will take me far!
I’m passionate about
creativity because it allows me to be free and doesn’t minimize my potential.
Creativity’s my passion and I’m passionate
about creativity!
Tuesday, April 9, 2013
He Said WHAT?!?
By: Georgia Trevor
“Pop a lot of pain pills.
Bout to put rims on my skateboard wheels.
Beat that pussy up like Emmett Till. Yeah”
These are the lyrics
that famous rapper, Dwayne “Lil Wayne” Carter decided to use in his verse for
rapper Future’s song titled “Karate Chop
Remix” This is what has sparked chaos and controversy over the world. Makes
me wonder when freedom of speech has its limits. Given Mr. Carter has a
daughter just around that age, you’d think he’d put more thought to his lyrical
decisions. Above all of this, IT’S BLACK HISTORY MONTH! If this is a salute
then we don’t want it! It’s a disgrace to our race because people are reciting
it and continuing to support rappers like him that have nothing better to talk
about but nonsense! I got a chance to have a very brief chat with Roger Suggs,
better known as the rapper Vigalantee is an emcee, speaker, and social activist
based in Kansas City, Kansas and he had so much to say about this topic. Matter
of fact, if you follow this link,
you can get the full interview he had on YouTube.
“We’re losing our culture, trying to be like everybody else when
at a time everyone wanted to be like us, especially when it came to hip-hop.”
history was established to give incite and celebrate African Americans that
made a difference and fought for what we as African Americans now have.
Freedom, Equality, Peace, Unfair justice, inventions, accomplishments, books; everything
we have can be trailed back to those who couldn’t imagine having what we now
got to start educating our kids about the history so they don’t make the
mistakes as Wayne did.”-Vigalantee
all heard of the story about a boy named Emmett Till. If not, let me give you a
brief background. Emmett Louis Till (July 25, 1941 – August 28, 1955) was an
African-American boy who was murdered in Mississippi at the age of 14 after
reportedly flirting with a white woman. Till was from Chicago, Illinois,
visiting his relatives in the Mississippi Delta region when he spoke to
21-year-old Carolyn Bryant, the married proprietor of a small grocery store.
Several nights later, Bryant's husband Roy and his half-brother J. W. Milam
arrived at Till's great-uncle's house where they took Till, transported him to
a barn, beat him and gouged out one of his eyes, before shooting him through
the head and disposing of his body in the Tallahatchie River, weighting it with
a 70-pound (32 kg) cotton gin fan tied around his neck with barbed wire. His
body was discovered and retrieved from the river three days later. He was
beaten so badly, his own mother who raised him on her own couldn’t recognize
was a major controversy around the world to how unjust this world truly was and
that equality had yet to reach the hearts of many hateful racists. It showed
that the system of progression still had ways to go for a better US.
“When it comes to a black issue, nobody
cares…we’re doing this to ourselves. It’s ridiculous.”-Vigalantee
reality of it all is that if people of African American heritage don’t value
and covet the history that gives them the ability to live so freely in a country
so hell bent on keeping them oppressed, why would rappers as Wayne? Who will
respect a race of people who does not respect themselves?
Thursday, March 21, 2013
Eat My Words Drink My Passion
Georgia Trevor
Roses are red, violets are blue, if you weren’t at
the Open Mic Night at Avila, the person that missed out was you! That’s right,
Avila Univwersity's Black Student Union Committee held Open Mic night March 20th which was the date reset due to
all of the terrible weather and boy was it worth the wait!
“It was very entertaining! Elijah who was one of the
poets really stuck out to me. He was the host of the whole event and through
his poem gave a phenomenal story. There was one that was like a cliff hanger
where you held onto it until the end to figure out the whole story. I would
love to see this again. Even the campus security staff worker recited, It was
great!” said student, Shakaila Wright.
Poetry is a form of expressing who you are and in
many ways lets people see you and hear your story. It’s a gateway to escape
whatever you may be dealing with and an awesome way to open eyes of others to
what they may have been too blind to see.
I see poetry as a way to express what I can’t say
just flat out. It sometimes even tells me what I was feeling without realizing
it. I feel like nowadays, rap is commercial and people are really sleeping on
poetry as a raw form of rap. Fake poets want the passion but not the pain.
Host of the event, Elijah Ming really had a nice,
intimate turn out and hopes to try again sometime in May and to continue on
with it next year. “More people interested in the committee would be nice too,”
he says. “I wish more talent came out but regardless, it was very nice. A nice
amount of people came out and enjoyed themselves.”
“One of the poems recited called Jalapeño Peppers
was very deep. It even touched a girl in the audience. It was very emotional. I
hope we have more Open Mic Nights; it was a great experience and opportunity.” Student,
Ricki Dunigan explained.
Look out for the next Open Mic Night and don’t
hesitate to sign up if you’re a fellow poet that wants to share with others
what’s on your mind and in your heart!
Sunday, February 10, 2013
Can You Feel it in The Air
It’s right about that time where couples are being formed or
dropping off like flies. It’s either love or hate; no in between! It’s either
Cupid hit ya or the naked guy missed ya!!
Yup, I’m talking about Valentine’s Day.
When it comes to our generation, I feel rapper, Drake said
it best, “We live in a generation of not being in love and not being together…”
I’m not anti-love but it’s not the main focus of my young life. Since I’ve been
given the opportunity to entertain my mind with thoughts of this “lovely” day,
I’m thinking hearts, flowers, stuffed animals, kisses and lovey dovey talk. I
Love is patient, love is kind. Love is slowly LOSING YOUR MIND!
Love isn’t a word that should be taken lightly and though
you should show your partner your adoration and care all year round, this day
is specifically set to give you the green light to shower them and let them
know that though you may not show it every day, it doesn’t go unnoticed.
They say it’s better to love than never have loved at all. .
This is how I feel about love and how it is for me at this current point:
Love Don’t Bother Me
Shoo! Get on! Leave me alone, love.
You’re no good for me; I’ve witnessed what you’re capable
I’ve seen the way you’ve worked your magic.
I also see what happens once the sparks stop flying; a sight
that’s tragic.
Love, don’t bother
Don’t come close, please!
Don’t sneak up from behind and attack.
I gave into you once, so wherever you came from, go back.
I’m not ready to feel everything I used to feel.
I’m perfectly fine staying on earth, at least it’s real.
I know what to expect in reality.
I hate how I wasn’t prepared for heart technicalities.
I didn’t know that you weren’t to last forever.
I didn’t know that he and I weren’t to stay together.
Ironic how you can be so heartless.
Not caring the state you left me in; depressed, restless and
a hopeless mess.
How come you couldn’t have finished it how you started?
How could you just leave me; departed?
Love, don’t bother
Clever how you clouded my mind and blinded me from the
Signs to where I should have cautioned or been more alert.
At least then I could’ve shielded myself from the inevitable
Do you know how many tears I shed?
Are you aware of the many sleepless nights I was forced to replay
the memories over and over in my head?
I never asked for you to come into my world.
Putting me in the category of being one more broken hearted
You really have discouraged me from looking for it.
I don’t mind it finding me cause I’m not looking for shit!
Damn, I loved the thought of being in love.
I wanted to be in that love and being loved club.
Love, don’t bother
I’m through with the games, can’t you see?
My foolish heart has given up; it’s had enough.
When a heart is broken, the body and mind is fragile and
Leaving me to pick it up, piece by piece.
Tears that I cry are wasted and useless.
The mind knew what the ignorant heart didn’t; now I’m stuck
by my lonesome looking stupid, so good riddens.
Flee! Leave me! Geeze!
I’m cool, my heart is
at ease.
So don’t come round here asking for one more last chance.
I’ve been there, done that, man.
Please, just leave me be.
Love, don’t bother
Watch the video below to see how I envision a perfect
Valentine’s Day with a significant other and how it differs with a guy’s point
of view with my fellow Talon friend, Travis. ENJOY!
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