Thursday, April 18, 2013

Nothing Lasts Forever

By: Georgia Trevor


I know many if not everyone knows a little store called Forever21. The Forever 21 Retail Inc. owns and operates numerous stores in different formats. Current store operating formats are Forever 21, XXI Forever and Heritage 1981. There are many brands that originate out of the stores such as Forever 21+, Love 21 Contemporary and Maternity, Forever 21 Girls and 21 Men. Well as much as we all may love Forever21, I’m here to a small dent in their good name- Forever21’s clothes don’t always last forever!

Yes, I said it!

Picture buying the bestest looking outfit with shoes and jewelry to match. You wear it for the first time and you just KNOW you’re rockin’ the hell out of it. Compliments are flooding in and you’re taking pictures that everyone’s liking and asking where’d you get it from. The day comes to a close and it’s time to take it down. You take it off and you hear a rip. Yeah, your awesome outfit tore by a stretch. Consider that ‘high’ being short-lived.

As cute and fashionable as their clothes are, you’re lucky if it lasts all year. Whether it’s a hole in the stockings, a tear right in the middle of a blouse or easily-made scuffs on your shoes from Forever, you’re bound to be hurt by their poor-quality material products.

Knowing this, I shall not be a hypocrite because my closet is majority Forever21. When I walk into a Forever21 store, I feel like I’m home. It’s true, I am indeed an addict and if I don’t splurge there, it truly is NOT a good day at the mall. Knowing all of this, it doesn’t stop me from buying to my heart’s content. Blame it on the shop-a-holic in me as of recently.

I do recommend this store if you want to look good and wear the fashionable stuff for the moment, but don’t expect it to last longer than you can swipe your card, put in your pin and tell the cashier you want the receipt in the bag!

Love Me For My Ambition!

By: Georgia Trevor

Creative. Open Minded. Silly by nature. Confident when necessary. Outside the box thinker. That’s me.

When you think of passion, you think of something you feel strongly, something that brings you to life and allows you to be in your zone. Well my passion is basically to become amongst people like Pharell, Spike Lee, Wale mixed with some Beyonce. Yeah, I want to be well-known for my talents; for my creativity. I’m passionate about anything I’m allowed to do dealing with creativity without limits.

When I say this, I mean poetry, music, photography, advertising, writing, and designing. I’m an artist with many talents and if not all, most of them I plan to go far with and make my name in the media industry.

I love how each of my talents allow me to express myself through them. It shows my character, where my head is at and shows my commitment to whatever I put my mind to. My newfound dream that I plan to wake up from and make it a reality is to make street wear clothing called Prodi_G. It’s a mix of how I’m something like a genius and of course, the first letter in my name. It’s very catchy. I’m in the wishful thinking stage but I plan to put my plan in motion with rough draft sketches and finding my “models” to sport it and finding a place that can make them. It started off as a thought but every time I think about it, it makes sense. If Lil Wayne can make Trukfit and people are paying tons of dollars on clothing with oceans and a dolphin of every color yet it’s called Pink Dolphin, surely I have the drive and ambition to make Prodi_G happen.

Then there’s my love for poetry and writing in general. I tend to be my biggest critic so when I write, I feel like I c an always do better. And I do. But let someone else tell it, I’m a great writer and deep recite. Humble may be what it is but when I write, I want others to view things from my window or walk in my kicks for a minute. If words don’t help, that’s when photography comes in play. ProdiG.Photography, that is. I wasn’t playin’ when I said one if not all of these talents will take me far!

I’m passionate about creativity because it allows me to be free and doesn’t minimize my potential.

 Creativity’s my passion and I’m passionate about creativity!

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

He Said WHAT?!?

By: Georgia Trevor
“Pop a lot of pain pills.
Bout to put rims on my skateboard wheels.
Beat that pussy up like Emmett Till. Yeah”
            These are the lyrics that famous rapper, Dwayne “Lil Wayne” Carter decided to use in his verse for rapper Future’s song titled “Karate Chop Remix” This is what has sparked chaos and controversy over the world. Makes me wonder when freedom of speech has its limits. Given Mr. Carter has a daughter just around that age, you’d think he’d put more thought to his lyrical decisions. Above all of this, IT’S BLACK HISTORY MONTH! If this is a salute then we don’t want it! It’s a disgrace to our race because people are reciting it and continuing to support rappers like him that have nothing better to talk about but nonsense! I got a chance to have a very brief chat with Roger Suggs, better known as the rapper Vigalantee is an emcee, speaker, and social activist based in Kansas City, Kansas and he had so much to say about this topic. Matter of fact, if you follow this link, you can get the full interview he had on YouTube.
“We’re losing our culture, trying to be like everybody else when at a time everyone wanted to be like us, especially when it came to hip-hop.” -Vigalantee
Black history was established to give incite and celebrate African Americans that made a difference and fought for what we as African Americans now have. Freedom, Equality, Peace, Unfair justice, inventions, accomplishments, books; everything we have can be trailed back to those who couldn’t imagine having what we now have.
“We’ve got to start educating our kids about the history so they don’t make the mistakes as Wayne did.”-Vigalantee
We’ve all heard of the story about a boy named Emmett Till. If not, let me give you a brief background. Emmett Louis Till (July 25, 1941 – August 28, 1955) was an African-American boy who was murdered in Mississippi at the age of 14 after reportedly flirting with a white woman. Till was from Chicago, Illinois, visiting his relatives in the Mississippi Delta region when he spoke to 21-year-old Carolyn Bryant, the married proprietor of a small grocery store. Several nights later, Bryant's husband Roy and his half-brother J. W. Milam arrived at Till's great-uncle's house where they took Till, transported him to a barn, beat him and gouged out one of his eyes, before shooting him through the head and disposing of his body in the Tallahatchie River, weighting it with a 70-pound (32 kg) cotton gin fan tied around his neck with barbed wire. His body was discovered and retrieved from the river three days later. He was beaten so badly, his own mother who raised him on her own couldn’t recognize him.
This was a major controversy around the world to how unjust this world truly was and that equality had yet to reach the hearts of many hateful racists. It showed that the system of progression still had ways to go for a better US.
 “When it comes to a black issue, nobody cares…we’re doing this to ourselves. It’s ridiculous.”-Vigalantee
The reality of it all is that if people of African American heritage don’t value and covet the history that gives them the ability to live so freely in a country so hell bent on keeping them oppressed, why would rappers as Wayne? Who will respect a race of people who does not respect themselves?