By: Georgia Trevor
November 6, 2012. The day all of America has been waiting for finally arrived. Who won???
President Barack Obama won yet another term to fix what the previous President (not saying any names, *cough* Bush) has caused.
President Obama's reelection campaign took Ohio and thus the election shortly after 8:13 p.m., NBC News reported.
Being a first time voter and seeing that my vote made a difference in my COUNTY (since MO decided to be majority Romney), I felt part of something huge and it feels good to know my vote counted towards something as huge as this!
I for one am not surprised by his win but at the time I was sweating bullets because the numbers were not in my favor on the news channels.
Many rejoiced while others didn't take the loss quite well.
I'm a sore winner at times.
To be cordial, Romney gave Barack great competition and together I'm sure they can negotiate some ideas for how OBAMA can better America and have us see his vision for a better Us as one.
YES WE CAN...CHANGE...Obama's our Man!